The existing interior was gutted and renovated throughout, with new bedrooms, bathroom and conversion of the existing patio into an ensuite. A timber and steel garage freshened the dated front, and also provides visual and acoustic privacy from the Old South Head Road traffic.
Towards the rear, the living room extension opens out the house to its backyard, previously blocked off by an existing laundry. A skillion roof slopes up from the existing gutter towards the rear, creating a high ceiling with tall bi-folding doors and a highlight window. As with Rose Bay I, a Sydney Water sewer main passing through the site was taken into consideration during the design process. Unlike Rose Bay I, where a relatively simple encasement of the sewer was sufficient to comply with Sydney Water requirements, a further complication arose with an access manhole being required. After the initial annoyance and frustration, I managed to turn the challenge posed into a positive feature, with a small light well stepping around the manhole. The light well brings north light into the house, allowing for a planted courtyard outside and a study nook inside.
Design features
Open plan living-dining-kitchen extension
Bespoke kitchen and bathroom design
Skillion roof
Engineered timber floorboards
Steel framed garage with timber slat detailing
Builder: TC Build
Structural engineer: e2 Civil and Structural Design
Stormwater engineer: ITM Design
BASIX: hecticrAt Architects
Approval path: Development Application, Woollahra Council